The Manxman Group

The adaptation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for advanced CyberSecurity has reduced the time to containment from the point-of-breach, giving improved automation and orchestration to incident-responders within their forensics process. Military-grade Red Team/Blue Team exercises have yielded methods and software now being commercialized to provide next-generation protection of enterprise data. TMG recommends these products based on the protection profile of the client.

Data Ctr & CLOUD
The benefits of Hybrid Cloud Compute models – elasticity, mobility, reduced CapEx – flow from new methods of resource-sharing that can be at variance with traditional models of security controls, necessitating updated means of risk assessment and protection. The implementation of the hypervisor alone expands the attack surface. TMG offers remedies for both on-prem and CSPs and their component technologies, as well as advising generally on the premier vendors that can future-proof digital transformation with 5G, Edge Compute, ML/AI, blockchain & digital currency.

The US Government remains the world’s largest customer. Early to mid-stage network technology companies looking to expand revenues beyond the private commercial sector are well-advised to collaborate when formulating a strategic roadmap for gaining access to Federal markets. From procurement methods to security controls – FedRAMP, DFARS, DISA, FISMA, NIST-171, CMMC – the customer interface has different facets in the public sector. All are worth navigating, but done so along a well-charted path.

State & Local IT Departments have shouldered added burdens over the past five years owing to the inadequacy of relatively stable but inflexible legacy systems. At the senith of COVID, processing claims and executing on the allocation and distribution of multi-trillion-dollar phased Federal Relief packages requires processing, storage, and networking upgrades within a critically limited time horizon. In the post-pandemic era, these departments look to modernize and "future proof" against the next unknown unknowns. Our consultants and developers can perform pen testing, scope systems and data centers, make upgrade recommendations based on vendor partners and solutions expertise, create customized, secure applications matched to user requirements, chart a cloud migration or multi-cloud path, or design a small-footprint modular on-prem Data Center that will transform the obsolete and meet the coming age with with both Edge Compute capabilities and physical plant security.